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Message started by FlyingLaZBoy on Sep 13th, 2007, 4:09pm

Title: GDB discussion board access
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Sep 13th, 2007, 4:09pm

Bud wrote elsewhere:

[Speaking of the GDB forum..........

Has anyone there considered letting non-members participate? I kind of run out of budget before I join every single cycling organization in the area, so the clubs I belong to are the ones that start more rides near my Arlington location, but I would like to be able to read the GDB forum. ]

That "lockout" of nonmembers was something implemented last year by the current Board of Directors (of which I'm one).  It was seen partly as a minor security thing (preventing just ANYBODY from reading up on where people would be doing what, as a small bit of potential crime prevention and personal security), and as additional encouragement to get members to become "official" duespaying people...

However, the activities calendar and photo section is obviously still public access...


Title: Re: GDB discussion board access
Post by Bud_Bent on Sep 13th, 2007, 5:11pm

I hope it's a board with less internet paranoia next year.

Title: Re: GDB discussion board access
Post by Opus the Poet on Sep 17th, 2007, 11:29am

While we're on the subject of the GDB, what happened to their newsletter? I used to see it at all the LBS, some even had a special spot on the free lit rack for it. Now i can't remember the last time I saw one.


Title: Re: GDB discussion board access
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Sep 17th, 2007, 5:11pm

Opus the Poet wrote:
While we're on the subject of the GDB, what happened to their newsletter? I used to see it at all the LBS, some even had a special spot on the free lit rack for it. Now i can't remember the last time I saw one.


We don't do a printed one any more...  it got to be too much of a hassle for the previous board member who used to do it, and now we rely more on the website activities calendar, occasional "President's Draft" article, and photo board...


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